Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why Not?!

So I decided to jump into blogging to keep my family and friends up to date on this crazy roller coaster ride I like to call "The Army Life".   Why not, right?  Most people know everything about my crazy life anyway so, let's do this.

I'm hoping this will give me a place to vent, brag, cry, laugh, and share parts of my life.  This journey has been interesting thus far and my life in general has been a bumpy ride to say the least - but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world.   Every thing I've had to endure, has made me who I am.  

I'll also use this just to talk about random things and give updates on Dan as he travels the world and serves our country, as well as give updates on the boys and all their accomplishments.  So, if you're reading this... hold on because it's going to be a wild ride!  You never know what kind of things I'm going to get into!

I can't believe I've been married for almost 5 years now!  And that Johnathan is going to be 3 years old at the end of this year and that Joseph is already 4 months old.  They're growing so fast and sometimes I wish I could slow down time.  But, these kids definately keep me on my toes - that's for damn sure!  Dan's currently away for some training in Florida and it's the first time that Johnathan really understands that Daddy isn't here (since it's the first time it's been longer than a few days recently).  Last time Dan was away for a longer period of time Johnathan was so little - he was innocent then and had no clue.  Today Johnathan heard a car door slam and ran to the window.  He started crying when I told him that it wasn't Daddy.  He didn't believe me, so I had to take him outside to show him that Daddy wasn't home yet but that he would be soon!  So what I did (since he's learning how to count in preschool) was taped 2 pieces of paper up on the wall in his room.  We have 2 days left till he gets here so each morning I'll let him rip a piece down.  I told him once there is no more paper left - Daddy will be home!  He got very excited and started staring at the papers! HAHA.    Joseph is growing every minute.  He's eating cereals now and sitting up supported. He laughs like crazy and has to be one of the happiest babies I've ever seen. 

I wish we lived closer to our family so they can see them grow up.  But, videos, webcam and pictures help them stay up to date.  Thank God for technology!

So - thats my start to this journey. 
Keep following.

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